Originally Posted by Dottie
I can't say I completely understand visual spatial learning. My daughter absolutely fits that mold, but in our case...I think it was the weaker verbal skills from the CAPD that forced that learning style. It's harder for me to appreciate visual spatial learning on its own, without the weakened auditory component.

Good luck!

Ditto for us... DS8 is very visual spacial, and is currently undergoing CAPD testing (although so far he is doing fine - he even scored well above age level in the pitch sequence component, which may simply be a reflection of piano lessons). He's been diagnosed with a language disorder (for receptive he's at the 0.5th percentile) which suggests that maybe his visual spacial strengths have been enhanced as he compensates for that. The question remains is whether is deficit is just in language or all audio. We go back tomorrow for more CAPD work (he's now had five normal hearing tests).

My kids are both enrolled in a drama camp this week. Yesterday as we were leaving, DS8 was chatting with a boy in the class (10). Nice kid. They talked back and forth, and then the boy said to my son "you didn't hear a word of what I just said, did you?" ...DS8 said "not really" and the boy just shrugged. I felt kind of frozen - I can't just run up to every kid and say "his brain scrambles language - can you please be patient?" Maybe he needs a t-shirt that says that or something ;p (kidding). sigh. I wish I knew how to help him.

It makes you realize how tricky 2e can be to test - it's like trying to focus a camera lens through a dense screen door. The disability is like the screen preventing you from getting a clear picture. Tillamook if you suspect your oldest son could be 2e, find a tester who specializes in it.

I contacted SENG recently to inquire if a trained psychologist could miss 2e and was met with a resounding YES - it happens all the time if their experience is primarily with "regular" gifted. From what I've heard/read/experienced, the presence of an immediate family member who is gifted (i.e. younger sibling) is reason enough to get a second test, but this time with a different doc.

Good luck smile

Last edited by CCN; 07/26/12 10:27 AM.