Originally Posted by La Texican

I didn't have a chance to read through all of these yet, but I read this one on "Getting Teachers on Your Side - Finding the Right Fit for Young Gifted Children". Some very useful info from the perspective of a teacher who found herself with a gifted youngster. Nice discussion of what to say/what not to say. Small example from a section called "Don't say the G word-or, how not to be one of 'those' parents":

"If all you can give us is 'He thinks and talks and moves constantly, and he's driving me crazy! I need a break!!!', that's fine too-that is honestly more helpful to me, as a teacher, than 'He's reading on a 3rd grade level'.

"An added bonus of framing things behaviorally is that it will tell you a lot about whether the teacher is a good fit by how the teacher reacts. If the teacher responds to a statement that your child learns kinesthetically and often needs to move with a comment like 'We're up moving a lot, and we'll see if it's enough. If not, I have fidgets we can use', you're probably in good hands. If the response is 'All our children are gifted, so I'm sure he'll be just fine', look elsewhere. And if her response is 'Well, he'll just have to learn to sit and listen', run away!"