Originally Posted by Grinity
Gosh, my stereotype of boarding school was 'sorting hat' and '3 points for Griffendor' and 'Hagrid.'

Lol, but I have to say a lot of little details in HP brought back fond memories…the description of the train cars was exactly how I remembered them traveling from London to the school. I was so disappointed to see that they have replaced those cool compartment trains with modern bleh trains.

Originally Posted by Madoosa
The great thing about a democratic school, is that it really can cater for all learning types, speeds and styles.

Yes, it is nice because everyone who is in class really wants to be there and they want to learn so you can cover a lot of ground very quickly.

Originally Posted by KatieMama
I told my son about Summerhill. I asked him what he thought of a school where the kids made the rules, they could learn whatever they wanted or they could just play all day. His face lit up "I want to go there!" It was the first time he has had any enthusiasm towards school since preschool. It sort of goes along with his request from several months ago that I "release him into the wild".

Lol, I think my mom was accused by some of “setting us free to raise ourselves in the wild”. I remember when my mom told us about Summerhill, I was so excited; I immediately packed and wrote a countdown on my calendar even though it was 3 months away.

Originally Posted by KatieMama
At the spring picnic, my 6-year-old son said, "This is so great! It's like having 100 older brothers and sisters, and a party in your big backyard!"

Yes, well put! It's exactly like having a ton of brothers and sisters...except much better