I appreciate the information and the movie was great. I had never seriously considered a boarding school. Mainly because the stereotype I had was of starched uniforms and harsh disciplinarians smacking kids' hands with rulers.

I looked into a Sudbury school within a commuting distance but I just don't think it would be a good fit. There were fewer than a dozen kids and most were siblings. I think the cultural exposure and leadership development would be lacking in that setting.

I will keep Summerhill in mind. I think it sounds great. My husband thinks our son would be heartbroken by boarding and feel like we discarded him. First, I doubt that. For one, we wouldn't be discarding him. Second, I am more concerned about the impact of a poor school fit. On him and on our family. Given the options in our area and my son's personality, I could easily find myself in your mother's place in the future.

Thanks again for the information.