We put our DS8 in every YMCA summer sports camp when he was younger, making him try everything at least once, and he hated all the team sports. But I think he may eventually come around to at least try team sports someday. (His parents both still play softball for fun.) Going to day camps and trying different things has also helped. He is much more willing to try. I think for him, he just doesn't want to try new things that he's not immediately good at, and that sort of thing gets harder when friends have been playing a sport for several years that he's just now willing to try. Oh well.

We have the same rule of doing at least one sport activity. DS chose fencing, and he really likes it. (Incidentally, one of the women from his fencing club will be going to the Olympics and she started fencing at age 9.) DS will also be starting golf lessons this summer (do a search - there are free lessons for kids in many areas).