My dd9 is not the most active person. She loves to read and would rather spend hours with a book than doing anything more physical. On top of that, she is not the most coordinated kid. For a while, she didn't really notice but now she is starting to become embarrassed because she can't keep up with other kids in gym class, etc. Team sports were a nightmare because the other kids weren't always nice about her lack of skills. The soccer coach's daughter actually threw a fit one time and insisted they were going to lose the game if dd played. It was heartbreaking.

We have a family rule that everyone must take part of some sort of physical activity, just to be healthy. She will gladly take walks with me, but she really needs more activity than that. She has tried dance, gymnastics, and soccer. She does love swimming, but once winter comes we won't have access to a pool anymore. We are considering martial arts, but she is worried that she won't be able to do it right.

Does anyone have suggestions of physical activities for the sensitive and less coordinated? What has worked for you? How about martial arts?


Last edited by happyreader; 07/09/12 06:18 PM. Reason: typos