Originally Posted by SDMom
I had asked the director/teacher at his last school about possible issues (she allegedly is well versed in 2E issues) and she dismissed it saying he was just manipulative and it was basically the result of my parenting. Grrr...
Onward & upward ---
Don't you love people like that - lol? My top two favorites in re to my 2e child came from her 3rd grade teacher and a teacher who also was supposedly a 2e expert. The 3rd grade teacher told me her IQ scores were due to "good guessing" and, when I mentioned heritability of intelligence and that we knew my and our older dd's IQ scores said, "what do you know about your [dh]'s intelligence?" (yeah, he's stupid, that must be the reason dd11 isn't too bright!)

The one with the specialty in 2e, even with an ADD dx for dd, totally didn't see either "e" and felt that the concerns I voiced about dd saying that words moved on the page, her head hurts when reading, and that her slower reading speed would be an issue later in AP English were no biggie. She kept assuring me that she saw no reading problems at all in class, that she was keeping up with the reading in class, etc.

I hope that you get not only answers, but some solid ideas on how to make things work better!