and I am far from prepared. I really thought a couple weeks would be enough time to fill out the folder of paperwork the pysch gave me at our initial consult. Finally got DH to fill out his forms (she had us individually fill out an Introversion/Extraversion Continuum as well as a Characteristics of Giftedness Scale). In addition I had to fill out screening forms for Aspergers, Visual-Spatial & Short Sensory Profile. Those are all done but I still need to finish the developmental questionnaire. Told DH that I would take DS out after dinner -- before we leave I'm going to ask him to try and tackle that one.
DS is totally cool with the whole concept. We explained to him that he was going to spend some time with a nice doctor who is going to play games with him and talk with him (we are doing this over 2 days) to help us figure out what our next steps in his education will be. He's almost 9 (OMG! less than a month now!) going into 4th grade. We tried public and he was bored beyond tears, tried one private gifted school and it just was not a fit for our family.
Luckily we have friends who have used this particular doctor (he actually spent the morning with them while I did initial consult) so the daughter was able to tell him about her experience.
I'm sure I'll be back to post tomorrow after we get home. Trying to brace myself to hang out in a waiting room for 3 hours...
(we are doing IQ & achievement testing as well as screening for aspergers)