I guess I just am not sure what I think about charters like the one you describe, CAmom (and my kid went to one a little like that). It's particularly an issue because they DO often locate in areas where there is a paucity of options. Indeed, who can blame parents for doing whatever they can to get their kids in, LD or not?

I guess, well, if you're going to do it that way, then...it ought to be out there in black and white. We are High Expectations Charter School. Dyslexics and ADHD need not apply. Our high scores are at least in part a result of cherry-picking, so please do not base your political grandstanding on our apparent success.

I mean, my child goes to a gifted magnet, so in fact it does not really behoove me to look down on schools that are selective. Glass houses, stones, etc. (In fact, how does that work? Why can magnet schools take public funds while specifically not taking all comers, and what WOULD happen if my child was found to have an LD, I wonder? I assume she would be accommodated, but I also know that children have left the program in the past because they were unable to keep up.)