lol i looked at the davidson requirements and im not sure shes 145 gifted more like in the 130's somewhere but i dont really know.

A few things i should explain..

She has yet to have any formal schooling. We have taken a very relaxed approach these past couple years. DD7 has always been a quick learner. This coming year will be our first year getting full curiculums for her and her younger brother who is 5 and will be 6 in sept.
I have never had much concern because all my kids have always been at or above level for the grades they would be in at school.
However i do believe given that they are very quick learners that my daughter would be very far ahead had she had as strict curiculum learning as they do in schools. If that was the case she would more then likely be on a 3rd grade level in most areas.
She is very bright and i know what she is capable of i am expecting she will more then likely breeze through our curriculums this year and possibly even work through 2 grades worth of school by the end of the year.
I do believe she is probably in the 130's for IQ but i really am only guessing.

Her younger sister who is only 3 i believe will have an IQ over 140 easily she said her first sentence at 6mo. and by 8mo. was full on speaking in sentences she also walked at 7mo. old and is still a very different sort of child.

My 5yr old son has some set backs but is also a bright child he has really bad sensory disorder as well as something else that has yet to be figured out possibly ADHD im not sure so im never sure what he is capable of i do know he took to reading easily on his own and is doing well he also does very simple math in his head.