If there is a question in your mind about a LD, then a Psychoeducational eval (will include an IQ test) is invaluable.

If you can't afford one, then call around to the local University and see if they have any studies your DD can participate in, or student trainees who can do the test.

If that doesn't work, I would shake the Homeschooling Tree and find Achievement tests you can administer at home. Get some for 1st and 2nd and 3rd grade. Slowly, work giving them all to your child. That should give you a pretty good idea of where her strengths and weaknesses are compared to kids her age, and older. One thing that many Gifted kids do is test well compared to kids much older than they are in some subjects that they have never been taught. You may not find that if your child has an LD, and your child might still be gifted or unusually gifted - makes sense?

Talent searches are another less expensive way to get a kid identified for gifted programs. I'm not current on how old a kid has to be to participate.

BTW - DYS is one program(of many) for gifted kids in the US. There are many other programs that are aimed at gifted kids. Some will be local to you. Getting an IQ score may be just the boost you need to make some connections.
Good luck,

Coaching available, at SchoolSuccessSolutions.com