Originally Posted by Grinity
Is his kindyb half day or full day?

Half day.

We have had crazy number of professional weigh in on this simple question. He had two assessing psych. Psych1 thought early K was a good idea. Psych2 was on the fence. While there was no ADHD diagnosis, they had concerns about him being able to pay attention and follow instructions
Pediatrician thinks attention issues mentioned by Psych 2 are normal for young highly intelligent boys and we should try K.
OT thinks he should wait and continue with OT for sensory issues. The OT is the most familiar with our school because her kids go there and she works with some kids at school.
It should be noted that the psychologist thinks the OT and sensory issues are soft science nonsense and the pediatrician thinks the psychologists over react.
Lastly, we just had friend who is a early ed. teacher spend a week vacation with us. She thought early half-day K is a good idea for him.

A lot to consider.