Thanks fwtxmom! Before I saw your email, I came across this:
"The extended norms only apply if your child achieved at least one subtest score of 19, two scores of 18, or a mixture of 18s and 19s."
from anyone here ever used extended norms with just 1 subtest of 19?
I'm probably just stretching. I'm feeling discouraged that my daughter is a bright girl, but because of the reading issues, it looks like she will not qualify for the gifted program at school, or any other more advanced work. We're meeting with another person Friday to discuss more, but I'm not optimistic.
She's had a hard year, and I can see her self-esteem suffering. I want her to feel and believe that she is talented, and to find ways to use those. But the reading just keeps getting in the way.
We just got these results, so I've got a number of different things I've just started putting in motion to explore options...I guess today I just feel discouraged, and intimidated by the costs, and unsure of what might work out....