Originally Posted by SDMom
I was hoping to bring his journal from school -- they would write every morning but it seems that the school didn't send it home at year end and I really can't go back and get it since we left the school not to return.
I don't know if I'd be emotionally up to calling the school and asking them to get his journal ready because I'll be dropping by to pick it up later today, but from a social perspective, it's completely reasonable for you to want that journal. It's a part of his history and he deserves to have it availible to him. You don't need to explain or anything, just call up, tell them you want to come get it, and ask when it will be ready.

If you can't manage that I would include any work returned from the school, particularly writing pieces or anything that shows his handwriting. Also, if he has organized any petitions, I'd include those. If you have math worksheets, I'd bring those. Were there any social studies or science projects? And if there were any 'homebrew' projects bring those.

I'd bring the report cards if there are personalized comments,or unexpectedly low grades. I'd bring copies of emails if the teacher used those to alert you to any examples to AS or ADHD like behavior.

Good Luck!!!!

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