Originally Posted by Prissy
It appears that upwards of 50% of the students enrolled are ID'd as gifted.

One thing I forgot to mention when I posted yesterday was that it's important to have confidence in how the school will handle your child's own individual level of gifted, which your second post seems to indicate they at least are willing to work with. Our ds12's private school advertises that over 1/2 the students are gifted, using a definition of "gifted" as in the top 5% on ability testing, and I am *guessing* based on getting to know the kids and ds' experience that most of the kids are much closer to 95% percentile than they are to 99% percentile. His school *has* been good for him vs his previous school in that he's had a much easier time fitting in socially and making friends, but he has still had to deal with boredom in most of his classes, even where he is subject accelerated... because the school is small, his subject-accelerated classes are a mix of kids at grade level + kids working beyond grade level. On the flip side, I doubt there is a great-fit school out there where we live (or in most places) for kids who are EG, and switching to a school where there is a larger mix of MG kids wasn't the ideal solution for ds, it was a great improvement over where he had been.
