Originally Posted by Bee
Thank you for your help smile

Polarbear, he is very slow, not just on the tests, but in general. His final IEP meeting is this week and they are going to recommend extra time. It also isn't a big surprise that his achievement tests aren't extremely high, he isn't accelerated and is lazy and is worn out by the time he gets home and rarely wants to do anything. I really want to take him to the jet propulsion lab in pasadena this weekend, it is a bit of a trek but I think he will love it. Perhaps I should take my camera just in case!

Just a thought, and I may be totally off, but have you considered getting him tested for the other things you mentioned in your first post? Sometimes "lazy" is exhausted from working so hard to do something that takes minimal effort from someone else. My son has dysgraphia, and when he comes home, he often will just lay on the couch for a half hour just to rest. If there is something going on with processing, it will make someone slow at things. Just a thought - it might be worth checking.