We didn't really start seeing DD's issues until first grade, but they are different in character.

First and foremost, I think you need to relax. I honestly don't see much in the way of red flags in what you write. Math facts are a different skill than math concepts. My kids both score light years ahead on concepts than computation, because we don't work on much in the way in math before school. The type of autmacy you're talking about is an end of second grade skill. Give it time.

I'd be more concerned if I start seeing my DS making the same type of errors as DD. She was not seeing a switch from addition to substraction on work with mixed operations in math, and her spelling stopped reflecting basic spelling rules. We stopped seeing progress in punctuation and a regression in things like capitalization. We now interpret the spelling and writing conventions as getting to a level of sophistication in her writing that she could no longer attend to those things.

DD is in the gray area for ADHD. I interpret the issues we have as being much more closely tied to dyslexia and dysgraphia than inattention.

Last edited by geofizz; 06/02/12 09:08 AM.