Originally Posted by Vanessa T
I can't believe yet that I've been so wrong about him.

You haven't been "wrong" about your child, whether or not he has a high IQ! I think sometimes we get very hung up on #s, but really... truly.. motivation, curiosity, drive, passion - those are qualities that feed into success and achievement and they can't be measured by an IQ test and perhaps more importantly, a person does *not* have to have a sky-high IQ to have them.

I also agree - ask for the test report, with numbers for subtest scores.

And keep in mind that "not gifted" according to the school might just mean "doesn't meet our very specific cut-off" - our EG ds was also proclaimed "not gifted" twice by our school district - once in spite of scoring > 99.9th percentile on his IQ test but slightly less on his achievement test (he is a 2e kid).. another time because he scored lower on the CogAT, which is a test where HG/EG kids sometimes don't achieve scores similar to other tests.

Let us know if you find out more info on the test -
