My 2E daughter actually had a FSIQ in the gifted range after 2yrs of remediation, therapy and diet intervention. Previously her profile was so spikey a FSIQ could not be calculated and giftedness (and LD!) were not mentioned at the first assessment.

Her VIQ did not shift at all. 126 both times - 2yrs apart, different tests and different testers. Working memory went from the 13th to the 79-87th (this has been tested multiple times recently in different ways and now hovers between these scores), visual/spatial went from about the 85-90th to 99th.

I think that the WMI truly has changed and has had a profound effect on her functioning in the world. I think the visual spatial was always her strength, but she had some visual issues, dyslexia, left right crossing issues, etc, which were masking her performance there. So I genuinely believe the measured changes in those areas reflect improvement through remediation.