Excellent! I think you'd like the book then, Isa. It's very firmly based in the sagas, but from the point-of-view of a woman. Where there's disagreement about the accuracy of the sagas vs. archaeology, I decided what worked best for the story and tried to explain why the other view might have originated. That didn't happen often, but it made for some fun plot puzzles to work out. smile

Isn't Iceland just miraculous?! I went for the sole purpose of researching the book, and I really felt it was the most incredible place I'd ever seen. Ann, you really should go there if you have the chance. It's a pricey place, but it's spectacular!

Here you go: I'll make a promise to sign the copy of anyone from this forum who asks...assuming I get the darn thing published! With the the help and support I've gotten here, I owe you all that much!

Expect no freebies, though! Real friends buy the book. wink
