<whispering, as the whispers echo off the empty forum walls>
Where is everyone? So quiet...

Anyway, since it's been so dead around here, I thought I'd post some off-topic good news here (in the resources forum, since it's about a book):

I finally finished the doggone funeral scene that has been holding up progress on revisions of my novel!


It was a pain of a scene to write, but it's behind me now and I can keep moving. <sigh of relief>

With a little luck and a good tailwind, I may be able to get a draft of the book into the hands of my friends/volunteer readers by this summer. While they read, I'll be working up some letters to send to agents. If things go really well, maybe by fall I can be shopping the book around.

Oh, wouldn't that just be glorious!!! smile

Thanks for letting me share.
