Originally Posted by MegMeg
Also, I just had a sudden intuition about this. It sounds like veiled hostility towards the child's intelligence. Sort of like, "You think you're so smart, you figure it out."

I've had this impression before about certain educators. Like they were one of the "normal" kids back when they were in school, and they still feel the same squirm of distaste that they felt back then towards anyone who's different.

Of course, that may or may not be the case with this particular VP, but that's what it reminded me of.

Wow, Dude, that's awful. I think MegMeg's interpretation seems likely. I totally agree that in no way should they be placing this responsibility on your daughter, but if that is the approach they are going to take, perhaps you could insist that they put it in the IEP? Something along the lines that dd is allowed to interpret the regular assignments in whatever way interests her and is not to be graded down for or discouraged from doing so? If that's what they tell her to do, then she should at least be allowed to do it! And if they won't, then the statement's only purpose was to hurt your daughter and not intended to be a useful contribution to the dialogue, imo.