I know this may be an odd question - but what do they do in a school reading class when a child is 12 years old? Our schools don't really have "reading classes" - they have silent reading independent times anywhere from 15-30 minutes during the day through elementary, but there is no work required out of that time - it's mostly used as a way of letting everyone calm down and regroup after lunch/recess. Our kids have language arts and humanities classes in elementary and secondary school that have a significant load of reading core to the class but the whole class (or groups within the class) read the same books to have the same background knowledge and incorporate the reading into group discussion/projects etc - so there's reading involved but the intent isn't developing reading as a skill. English classes focus on grammar and writing.

Sorry - didn't mean to get off track, but I'm just curious about it.

FWIW we have had and continue to have the same struggle with our ds and finding fiction for him to read for pleasure. He's also picky about what he will read.. which makes it even more challenging! In your situation, I agree with the others who suggested having the school find books to select from. If her teacher can't help, perhaps the librarian can?

Best wishes,


Last edited by polarbear; 05/11/12 08:39 AM.