Well, thanks Ultramarina and Ellipses. I'm a librarian and say this all the time, but teachers can get hung up with phonics, Lexile scores, content, topic, writing styles, test scores, and an end game or some preconceived result from reading.

I've had battles with my son's private gifted school over it too. He's 6.5 years old and reading at a 4/5th grade level. I just want him to enjoy reading, period, and not something he may dread or view as a chore.

I say there's a reason both children and adults love Roald Dahl's books. The writing and humor are superb and you can escape into another world.

Yet there's also a reason why authors like Malcolm Gladwell make it to the bestseller's list and sell millions of books. They give us ideas or information or challenge the way we think, yet be enjoyable to read at the same time.