Originally Posted by Ellipses
In our school, they only learn abstinence in ninth grade. Many of the girls are sexually active by then. This is a Colorado law.
My kids are in school in the Denver metro area, I attended the parents meeting re sex ed curriculum content in fifth grade. The curriculum literally was a negotiated compromise between the district and the greater community. It came out so convoluted. The students learned about a certain type of birth control as a preventive for STDs but NOT as birth control. Anything that might have been remotely controversial was deferred to parents. You may want to check out the curriculum before you get too worried.

FWIW, My niece attended a core knowledge charter in northern CO. The schools' families were often religiously conservative. The school gained some notoriety a few years back when it opted not to teach evolution. Anyway, my niece's observation: the kids whose parents opted them out of sex ed were the ones who needed it most. The only kids who she knew were having sex were in that group.