I can soooooo so just imagine my ds writing something similar. He's been very tempted on a few of the "explain your work" math problems he's had lately...
When asked to "explain his answer" on simple (one operation) math problems DS8 (2nd grade) is now defaulting to one sentence of "because I know my math facts".
We blame the AS.
Had to laugh at these, just last week DS8 came home with a math enrichment paper he was supposed to "Explain how you know your answer is right" he wrote "Because I'm really good at math and I double checked"! Apparently, this was not the answer the teacher was looking for!

Regarding the OP's situation, part of me feels like the teacher should not ask a question if she doesn't want the answer. She asked him which one he liked best and why and he answered her question honestly. You get what you ask for! But as a parent, I would also have the talk about the appropriate vocabulary.
DS8 also has issues with bluntness ( I do not think Asberger's is a concern). To me, it seems like he is so focused on something being correct (this is REALLY what I think) that he misses how it might be interpreted by another person, even though he is generally pretty empathetic.