A professor of bioinformatics with a gifted son gave his opinion of ID Tech summer camps:
http://gasstationwithoutpumps.wordpress.com/2012/03/11/cs-summer-camp/CS Summer Camp
Filed under: Uncategorized — gasstationwithoutpumps @ 21:54
Tags: education, gifted children, gifted education, summer camp, summer science camp
On the mailing lists for parents of gifted kids, people often ask about the best computer summer camps. Even more often, they ask for people’s experiences with nationally advertised programs. So far, the general consensus has been that none of the computer camps work particularly well for gifted kids: the pace is too slow, the teachers don’t know enough, and most of the kids in the camp aren’t passionate enough about computers to be good peers.
That was my son’s experience a few years ago when he tried an idTech camp, and it seems to be a common experience for gifted kids in almost all the summer computer camps, no matter who is providing them.
There are several summer math camps that don’t have this problem, so it is not just a matter of gifted kids being hard to please. Rather, I think it is a deliberate attempt to reach the “average” kid that makes the usual computing summer camp useless for gifted kids.