DS12 just went on 5mg Adderall and I sure didn't expect the result we got. When his 2nd grade teacher said he had attention problems, I started digging around. Long story short: He was diagnosed with central auditory processing disorder and dyspraxia, which is a motor planning disorder. He needs time to compose his thoughts and often wrote backwards (as well as doing karate etc backwards). He does have a relative weakness in cognitive efficiency. He started meds during basketball season, and I'd been sitting there watching his hands deflect the ball rather than catch the ball. Then he'd complain to me that the passes were bad. I could NOT believe the difference in how he played from day 1. Mr. Studman scored 14 points that day and he was a scorin', ball-stealin', reboundin' son-of-a-gun the rest of the season. We still think ADD is a lame-o diagnosis. His doctor and the school occupational therapists I've talked to have never heard of stimulant medication increasing motor coordination. But we're gonna keep him on it.