Originally Posted by Michelle6
Then I got her test scores back. As of January, she was already well past the end of year goals in everything. The end of year goal for recognizing and naming letters was 27. She scored a 54. For hearing and using sounds in spoken words, the goal was 18 - she scored a 44.

This sounds a lot like DIBELS or some other equivalent. At our school which has a lot of kids from highly educated households and where most kids attended preschool, these are pretty typical scores. I've had three kids go through kindergarten, including a gifted dyslexic, who still scored very well on these tests. I've been told that they are only used to determine if kids are at grade level, which quite frankly is pretty darn low in kindergarten. They may help isolate problems but do not indicate advancement.

That said, I agree that something needs to change. Your kids are not being appropriately challenged in school. What has been the teacher's response? Have you asked him/her to intervene with the librarian? If the school is not responsive, I agree with others that you may need IQ and/or achievement testing to get the school to change their position.