So many of you offer great food for thought and I don't think I've ever analyzed in such depth why the other parents react how they do.

Just to clear something up...

I am ALWAYS uncomfortable when asked about DD5 and her schooling/abilities. I truly have never encountered anyone who doesn't have at least a small problem with it. I did not, however, start out being uncomfortable with it... the reactions of people taught me that this is a TABOO subject. However, I am not a shrinking violet when feelings are not how I outwardly act. To other Moms I'm rather blase about it and I tend to try to joke it off. I believe in this instance.. I made a joke about how all kids have their strengths and weaknesses... "as you can see.. she doesn't know how to throw a ball."

I think I have probably approached this in every way imaginable... seriously. I actually think ahead of time what to answer because it ALWAYS comes up... especially when DD5 says something "inappropriate for her age"

such as...

"Oh, your ice is melting because the molecules are heating up."

As for it being regional... that's an interesting idea. It definitely goes along with small, southern town mentality. Or, perhaps, it's just because I'm in an area with a population of little education. What a great research idea!

I like the thought that its like asking "how much money do you make?" GOOD POINT!

I think my post was mostly me just wanting to rant a minute... that there are so few people out there who do "get" it. Because, as I've said... it's lonely.

and not just for me... but for my DD