Hi everyone. Beckee, I have to happily disagree with your professor :-)

"My professor said, "I don't know if you'll find this comforting or terrifying, but you can't really change much of anything." "

I can think of sooooooo many inspirational people who really have made significant changes for good! Huge changes. Plus, I have always loved the starfish story (we can still feel good about the things we do that might appear to have a smaller scale positive impact, but positive nonetheless).

You also said, "I'm a teacher, and you've just described my job. We have to recognize that we have very little control over our students' lives. " It is hard to not have total control to improve students' lives, but teachers sure can make an impact!!! You are lucky to be in a position where you can inspire young people.

But to our original poster, I do suggest you google the starfish story. It has been beautifully told, and I think is truly inspirational and helps address your question! Cheers to all of you!