I have a few questions on the DYS application. I have been avoiding the DYS application for at least 2 years, oops! My ds12 has qualifying achievements scores from Explores and ACT. I'll have SAT later this spring. He more than qualifies on his Achievement test. We have an appointment set with a psychologist that works with only GT kids to talk about potential testing for him. I don't have IQ testing. I don't really want IQ testing but I might just need it. I am think of just applying with portfolio items and testing only if they need more information. His ACT scores & Explore scores are high enough, I would guess at the least they will just ask for more information. I think his work is sufficient enough to show his abilities. I have no reference to normal grade level work. DH and I probably are not impressed with work others would consider very impressive.

I'm wondering a few things from those more experienced in the process. Letters of recommendation, Do they really only want one? I have 2 teachers that really get my ds12. They both can offer different perspectives about him and I hate to have choose between them. Can I send 2 letters of recommendation?

Second, I have work from ages 4 to 12 for him. Should I consider summiting stuff from each year of school? For example, I have handwritten samples from 5 yrs old. Where he was supposed to draw a picture for his journal. He used the drawing space to write a paragraph about his weekend. I have a short stories from age 6. I have science projects from 7 or 8. Once he hit 9 yrs old almost all of his stuff is typed on the computer. I do have copies with teachers comments and scores on it. I have papers (10 pages or so in length) from age 11 - "Sir Isaac Newton: Great Science" and another "Atomic Structures and Their Role in The Periodic Tablet."
I can copy pages from his math notebook from this year. He is in Algebra 1, I don't know if that is consider 2 years ahead or not. It took until 11 to get a grade skip for Math. He skipped 2 years in Math. What is the normal grade level of Algebra 1? I could give him some Geometry or Algebra 2 questions to work and submit that. I also have his World History Blog that he currently is doing.
Is it helpful to have a range of years of work and his current work? Do the type of samples I'm talking about seem appropriate? I'm a nervous wreck about getting this together. I think I suffer from Impostor Syndrome more than ds12,UGH! I really want to avoid the IQ testing. DS12 has asked about getting IQ testing done. He has never cared, but this year a teacher told him scores he had on a test and now he is curious. He has never know a score on anything until she told him! I am concern about how a number could impact him. There is NO way to test him and not have him understand exactly what test he is taking. Of course, The cost of testing is high. I'd rather use that money to pay for activities for him.
I'm thinking his portfolio could be enough with his Achievement scores. We are so used to his level of work I don't think we gauge it well anymore.

Ok Thanks for any and all input!
