Thank you ALL for you wonderful suggestions and concern! It's amazing how much common sense is on this forum and not in real life. She came home from school yesterday very excited to finish up her Cat Book and wanted to start right away on The Hunger Games. So, she finished her book last night and asked to go to the library to get the Hunger Games. Would you know they are so popular that there were no coppies left in the library. The Librarian, who knows her Lexile and has been asked by the VP to guide DD's reading choices suggested a book. The Grimm Legacy. She is excited reading it, but I looked it up and it is a 600 Lexile! I know I know...I was just complaining that I don't WANT her to have to read at HER Lexile....but 600 is even BELOW her grade level! Anyway...I am happy she is going to enjoy this book and I have a feeling it will be read in a day and a half, so we better go find those Hunger Games and I'm going to write down some of your suggestions too! Thank you!