Originally Posted by ultramarina
So how much time, care and effort go into the stick figure drawings? That would be important to me as I decided how to proceed here.

So for you, it is more about time and effort than finished product? The little drawing I posted in the original post took him maybe 1 or 2 minutes, so he is able to quickly depict what he wants in a few strokes. So if midschool is more about learning to work longer at something, then I guess he should be docked for time no matter what type of drawing he does. And i do think part of school is learning about a good work ethic, and i know from my older two that thinking everything will come easy was a real pitfall later in school. But for this kid, so very little comes easy. The more I've thout about this, I have to say I think it is quite silly that she is putting parameters on the kind of art they are allowed to create for a writing project.

I was always fast like that with writing. When i was writing professionally, one of my articles that earned a top award was written in about ten minutes. Can't say the editor thought the writing was less valuable because it didn't take me the full week allotted to turn it in.