I had assumed I was going to be reading an article about public perceptions or those in the school bureaucracy. I was not expecting this kind of thing to be about the teachers.

My personal experiences do not match with the findings. My relationships with my teachers were variable, naturally, but I almost never found myself convinced a teacher disliked me (though there were several I disliked), I often found teachers outright friendly to me, I often had successful relationships with teachers my friends considered difficult, and my friends were quick to mention how I seemed to be getting different treatment. My DD's teachers genuinely like her.

Did I speak much more during class discussions than my peers? Yep. But my teachers LIKED that, because in a classroom full of naive teens who were convinced everyone was basically good, my positions were an effective counterweight, and I relieved the teacher of having to prop up that side of the discussion entirely by himself. The end result being that, in some discussions where , my teachers would call on me whether I had my hand up or not.

The fact that my views were much closer to theirs than to my peers' didn't hurt, either.