The best gift I got from DH was when he taught DS (then almost 2) to make coffee for me. All I have to do now is draw the water, and take the filter out of the drawer that's too high for him.

We cook a lot, because it's the only way to get dinner made, etc. And then we bake a lot, because DS prefers baking to cooking. Anyway, I would suggest keeping on trying it here and there, because it really is totally awesome. She might glom onto it one day, and then you're set wink

DS is almost three, and he's now almost independant with pancakes, crepes, muffins, cakes, cookie cutter cookies, gingerbread... You just have to keep him from putting all the ingredients in at once, and do the oven stuff. Somedays he's up to measuring, some days not. We're working on pie crusts, now. He HATES not being able to kneed, but it's really helping his ability to wait and to do things in order.

The funny thing is he rarely EATS much of it.

Whatever, I do wink

Anyway, I'm a total believer in cooking with kids.

DS1: Hon, you already finished your homework
DS2: Quit it with the protesting already!