Hi everyone,
I am new here and would like to introduce myself. I am still unsure about all this. I have one DD who is 26 months and we think she is advanced. I don't have much experience with kids, so it is hard for me to tell. I am here looking for general support because I have no one to talk to about her. I learned quite a while ago to keep my mouth shut to other parents with kids her age because no one wanted to hear me to "brag", although that was certainly not my intention. Perhaps parents here will be more understanding.

A few things I think make her unusual are she LOVES letters to an obsessive degree and started recognizing words at around 20 months. She now knows about 50 words - that I know of. She knows over 400 ASL signs (I stopped counting) She can count to 20, but isn't really into math yet. She loves jigsaw puzzles and can work 30+ pieces independently and has been working the jigsaw type since about 18 months. She also met most of the infant milestones early, like sitting supported at 8 weeks and walking while holding my hands at 4 months, although she didn't decide to let go and do it on her own until 10 months.
I sometimes think there's nothing unusual about this, then I take her to the Dr for a check-up and she tells me I may have a little prodigy on my hands... which I think is a bit extreme.
My question is she seems bored quite often. The "toy" that interests her the most is the ipad where she plays letter/word/color/counting games and puzzles (for hours if I let her) then gets bored and starts watching Netflix, at which point I usually take it away. I try to limit her time with the ipad in an attempt to keep her active, but she just learns so much. I need things to do with her to keep that little mind happy but any activities I find are very age restrictive and she would be bored by things for her age group. I sometimes find myself making excuses for her when she is around peers so that we don't get snubbed.
She is not in preschool/daycare and we plan to homeschool. I am considering starting that, but I have no idea where to begin.
Thanks for letting this confused and overwhelmed mom ramble on and any advice/support will be much appreciated.