Hugs honey- sounds like she's trying and just has trouble holding it together by day 3.
I am wondering how busy her days are- what is her schedule like? Any chance she's overtired/OT at all? I am already concerned for my boy who will be 5 in august and starting full day kindergarten that he may be exhausted by the end of it.

Is she an only child? Mine is and he was totally overstimulated/OS the first year of prek- acted out. Our home is so sedate/quiet. We're in a rural/isolated community and he just wasn't used to being in a large class of kids running around! I think it took him a while to acclimate and just get used to the extra stim. Is the classroom calm/busy? Anything that could be setting her off that way?

I am bracing myself for an OT/OS mess for the first few mos of school. My LO is really doing well in year 2 of pre-k and he is SO ready for Kindergarten in many ways, but I still worry, because I'm a mom. wink

Any reason/indication to fear her being kicked out? Most schools and teachers do want to work with the child/family and problem solve.