Hi all,

I'm new here and I don't know what to do or where else to turn. So please bare with me, I'll try to keep it as brief as possible.

DD (5yo/highly gifted) started kindergarten this past September. She is the youngest kid in both kindergarten classes (June birthday). It is the custom out here for parents to red shirt their children. Most of the kids have already turned 6, a few are even about to turn 7. She got into a really good private school where most of the kids are in the high average to highly gifted range. The school is aware of her giftedness. Academically she is doing fine. She is very social and enjoys school and being around the other children. Also, she is an only child. From what I can tell, she has the emotional and psychomotor OE's. No indications of a LD when she took the WPPSI.

She is having behavior problems at school. Pouting/crying when things don't go her way or she feels treated unfairly; not listening and following directions the first time; roaming around the classroom; and gets frustrated/aggravated when other students try to show her how to do her school work correctly. She also, in an effort to hurry up and finish her work, will write sloppily when she can do much better.

She has been on a daily behavior report since October '11, in which she is to earn 2 sticker a day (am/pm). Now she can be a model student (2 stickers) for as long as 2 consecutive days and on the third day it all falls apart. It's as if she has a melt down for a day or 2 or 3. Then she goes back to being a model student for 2 days. She isn't consistent at all.

I'm at my wits end. I've tried everything: talking to her, time outs, consequences for her behavior, rewards for good behavior, punishment, etc.
Nothing has worked. At this rate I'm afraid she will get kicked out of school.

Hope this wasn't too long. Any suggestions for a desperate parent?