Originally Posted by AlexsMom
I don't have any advice for the school, but one of my internet friends has a slightly-older elementary-aged kid with migraines. At the advice of their doctor, they've been supplementing with:
- Vitamin D3: 1000 IU/day.
- Fish oil: 2-4 grams/day.
- Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): 200mg/day
- magnesium: 500mg/day

It's apparently worked really well. Before that, they'd gone through a slew of medications, with mixed success.

I really like the look of this protocol:

Both the vitamin D and magnesium will help alter the calcium and magnesium balance in the direction higher of magnesium, which will tend to increase the firing threshold of nerves, making them less irritable with respect to minor stimuli and decreasing the likelihood of triggering vascular spasm. Magnesium is routinely used medically to help relax muscles, dilate peripheral blood vessels, and as an anti-convulsant. Since you are dealing with a possible seizure disorder, this seems to be relevant. The fish oil acts as an anti-inflammatory, decreasing cerebral blood vessel inflammation. None of it is likely to cause side effects at these doses.

Last edited by aculady; 02/08/12 06:02 PM.