If you’re interested in research into making mistakes (and how perfectionism plays a role, and how to deal with that, and how the brain works), the article "Why Do Some People Learn Faster?" might be of interest.
(There are tons of articles about this sort of thing; this one just sprung to mind.)

If you’re interested in opening a conversation about the importance of mistakes, there are some fascinating books we’ve enjoyed as a family:

A humorous book is Mistakes That Worked which looks at science.

If your daughter likes math, science and/or history, you may enjoy Edward Zaccarro’s The Ten Things All Future Mathematicians and Scientists Must Know (But are Rarely Taught), which explores mistakes—and why they happen, and what people did (or didn’t do!) to fix them. Some examples are intense (e.g. people die because of errors), but they are real and great examples to learn from. Depends on how sensitive your DD is.

Good luck!