A couple of parents I know were talking about changing curriculum of prek/k standards that is about to arrive in the school and how the expectation of reading shortly into the K year was a bit much. I asked them why they thought the expectation was too much for that age group and their response was "just because your children are weird and can doesn't mean the rest of the normal population should be expected too"
Yet strangers at the bookstore who see my DS8 in the adult section picking up books think its great and say nothing bad about it at all. They have been known to sit and talk with him about the book selections and then after comment how it was like talking to another adult ( but not in a rude way that bus parents would comment about it )
I've gotten the " he will never understand that book " comment many times bg. Especially from school librarians!
Normally I just smile and say, all those AR points didn't come from reading Cat in a Hat