The principal talked to me today about DD and asked how she was liking school and the kids and the whole situation. When I said she was loving it and was so happy he was genuinely pleased for her. He said that the teachers are also reporting that they are happy with her in class, that she is not in the least bit intimidated by being with older kids and she participates in class and is doing really well.
I eat lunch with her art teacher, and she loves having DD in class because she has such a clear idea of what the teacher is talking about, but also has some thoughtful comments to make and questions to ask about variations on assignments. (For example, they had to bring in their sneakers to draw and practice different line shapes and thicknesses. Apparently DD was one of a few students who requested that they be allowed to bring in different shoes, rather than their sneakers because these other shoes had better line patterns on them!)
It is so nice to see DD come into my room after school beaming with excitement or bursting to tell me something she learned - something that has rarely happened in the past. And of course, the overflow into being happy at home is an added bonus. smile