Originally Posted by Engine207
He is completing AP Geography and is ranked third in a class of juniors and seniors. Next year, he would like to take AP US History and has the recommendation of his current teacher as well as the approval of the History teacher. According to the curriculum catalog, the course pre-requisite is "instructor approval", but also states it's for grades 11 and 12.

When he sought the required signature of the Assistant Principal of Curriculum, he was denied, based on the grade 11/12 issue.

It's great that your son is handling all the first steps on his own, but I'd probably want to step in and request, in writing, a face to face meeting with the Assistiant Principal of Curriculum. If you happen to be female, I'd arrange to bring a male person wearing a suit to attend the meeting with you.

If you still get turned down at that stage, say - 'Thanks so much for your time. I'm going to need a meeting with the next higher up decision maker - who would that be? What is their contact info?'

Wash, Rinse, Repeat all the way up to the school board.

Best Wishes,

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