Originally Posted by DeHe
all the things grinity recommends are the things he doesnt want to do, has never wanted to do play doh or write or color for long periods. DeHe

So recognise and praise when he does those things for a short time - I think a lot of gifted kids go in spurts - my DS hated all that stuff as well, so I'd wait until there was a new Pokemon game that he just had to have and do a super bribe, or he'd get interested in something - one afternoon he wanted graph paper but didn't know where to find it, so he drew his own!!!!(3rd grade) DH finally started to believe that there was something unusual about our boy after that day. (If I had been around I would have known where the graph paper was and DH would have gone on in denial another year.)

Friendship bracelets can be made on foam bases, that can be fun, check with your OT for more ideas because diagnosable or not, our kids NEED that motor stimulation.

Play catch.

Rest and recognize yourself after the uphill climb.


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