I'm looking for help with a few things and hoped I could maybe find some recommendations here. Most searches I have done turned up results for GT/2E
children rather than adults, young or ...at heart.

I am in MA close to RI if that's any help (one of those "danger zone" states on the map diagram here).
1) Counseling with specialty in GT/2E adults, esp. those from abusive/dysfunctional families. Someone who specializes not only in emotional/mental assistance (w/o drugs, of course!), but also in creative encouragement, i.e. identifying creative blocks and helping the patient/client work through them. Sort of a mixture between life-coach and traditional therapist... and of course, someone who takes insurance or does "out of network" reimbursements

2) Educational program or assistance for GT/2E students... like a sort of "Davidson U." I heard about this college (a legitimate one, not one of those shady online schools) on the radio that offers a Learning Community for students with learning disorders and/or emotional problems, but I forgot the name of it, and it's probably too far for me to attend anyway. Alternatively, and perhaps ideally, if anyone can tell me if it's possible to have gov't assistance (like financial aid) for non-traditional and non-grade-based skills enrichment programs, or find a way of paying otherwise without loans, that'd be good too.
3) Some answers to or help with the dilemma of turning 26 and getting booted off my old man's insurance policy. Also, some help with searching for work and/or resources to help me maybe do something independently, i.e. starting a business or developing a product and finding "networking" help with that. In other words, some help with having a little spending cash (but honestly) as a gifted person from a poor background with few friends and a scattered, non-traditional education
4) Any other resources that might help someone like me: an INFP (for the MBTI enthusiasts); an aspiring novelist with plenty of ideas but in dire need of (one-on-one) help translating them from concept to finished copy; and one who is 25, unemployed, too "creative" for the stringent rigors of college, but too broke to aim for anything else, at least not right now. Links, phone numbers, listings, or even just words of support are all welcome. TIA