Thank for those suggestions La Texican. I used to make videos all the time for that exact reason, but somewhere along the line we stopped. I like the pretend play idea too.

Imp, thank you so much for your advice re testing. I hadn't considered that - the school has said they will do some testing at the start of the school year, but we hadn't gone in to detail about what that would involved, what would be tested etc. I will definitely ask for end of year level testing.

I haven't felt confident that the achievement testing would make much of a difference, but I do like having our own data so I feel I have some ownership over the situation. I'm 5-10 years younger than a lot of the mums at the school and so I get a lot of verbal pats on the head from the principal and told outright 'not to worry so much about it' (meanwhile I have had to drag my kid to school everyday since she was in preschool and I'm told every conversation I have that they 'just don't see it', complete with hints at the possibility I don't really have any idea what I am doing or talking about). I get where that comes from, but I worry that their conviction that it isn't there (well, that's not strictly fair, they see she's gifted - just not very gifted) and that I'm just a compartively young and clueless mum colours their interactions with dd and helps them to dismiss the evidence they do witness. However, there's no point paying copious amounts of money for testing that won't get us what we need. I will have to do some more investigation and find out what they will test, what experience they've had with achievement testing and so on.

Thanks again!

Last edited by Giftodd; 01/18/12 12:22 PM. Reason: Auto correct again...

"If children have interest, then education will follow" - Arthur C Clarke