I am thrilled to report that the meeting yesterday went really well. It is so nice to know that his teacher sees how smart he is despite his inability to spell correctly or write with proper grammar (2e-dyslexia, dysgraphia, ADHD-I). She said his thought process is years ahead of his peers and he learns new concepts exceptionally fast in comparison to his peers. She is going to do 2 things to address this....curriculum compact (give a pre-test and if he has mastered the material, move him on to 5th grade curriculum OR if he gets the new concept quickly, even without doing well on the pretest, move him on to 5th grade curriculum). The second thing is that she is going to give him some self-directed independent study projects to work on. She set specific goals for him to meet, but he will get to choose the subject area.

I'm thrilled. Crossing my fingers it works!