Originally Posted by TwinkleToes
now my DD5 told me she has a reading buddy from first grade and my daughter is basically "tutoring" the older child in reading low level books. Again, I am trying to just take a deep breath and realize this is just kindergarten and to let things ride even though my daughter never has anything near her appropriate level in any area. Her handwriting is improving so at least we have had that gain this year.

this was mentioned to us as well, although not first grade, basically pairing DS with a low level reading kid. Not really thrilled either. DS mentioned string theory to the kids at school older gifted kids and still got, the blank stares, a teensy reminder of the horrible situation in pre-k till I saw the DS didnt mind because they all just moved onto something else. So we are still doing a lot of learning at home and he is doing all the stuff we havent done at school - sort of backfilling. Maybe we should just make the new mantra for K - all about the handwriting!!!
