I have a very girly, boys don't exist girl in 4th grade. There are no girls at her level in her class. There is one boy. She does most of her math with this boy and it seems to be going well. At first I was concerned, but without all that girly distraction stuff and someone at her level of learning who give her a "run for her money," she seems to be able to focus really well. She is also the only girl in Chess Club. She says she doesn't like being the only girl and that she should have taken Drama class with the girls instead of chess. But I see her growing from the experience and maybe boys are becoming more exsitant to her!

I can see how it could be a problem if access to girls was restricted EVERY day though. But, you said the girls will be two years older. The girls in DD9 class are her age but way more imature...either way, they have to figure out how to fit in.